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Book Description:
This story has two protagonist, the first is mentioned in the
very beginning of the story.
in 2005, Kathryn Rupurtus is an elderly lady convinced to vacation on the island of Nevis. Her companion is Jonathan Smith, a young man who is the son of her recently deceased companion Frederick. Jonathan was the estranged son of Frederick, arriving in town shortly after his father's death. Kathryn extended her Quaker hospitality to Jonathan even though Frederick never mentioned having a son. As a token of thanks, Jonathan arranges to give Kathryn updated kitchen and bathrooms. Kathryn goes to Nevis, but suddenly feels uneasy. Jonathan has her right where he wants her, thus his plan proceeds on schedule.
Fast forward to 2007, and the introduction of the second protagonist Elizabeth Samms. Kathryn's house is being shown by realtor Shelly Yanoff. Elizabeth always dreamed of living in the house and finally has her chance. She signs the rental lease/intent to purchase papers, leaves a hefty down payment and moves in. Gordon Roosevelt, the owner is having second thoughts about selling the house and asks his handyman Donovan Smith to investigate the Samms family. Although Donovan doesn't really have anything negative to report, Gordon abruptly changes his mind and begins a campaign of harrassment. His sole intention is to get rid of the Samms family AND keep the down payment. Everything the Samms family does results in breaking a clause of the rental lease.
All the while a stranger happens upon the scene, with claims to the house. Thelma Ribeaux is Kathryn's sister. She screams theft to Elizabeth, who brushes the accusations aside so sure that her purchase of the house is legitimate. Both ladies tell ther story to the Lieutennant at their local precinct. He determines that Elizabeth has the right to stay in the house, but he promptly launches an investigation into the disappearance of Kathryn.
Spend the rest of the book delving into the characters and their motives, learn what happened to Kathryn, and see if Elizabeth will suffer the same fate!
in 2005, Kathryn Rupurtus is an elderly lady convinced to vacation on the island of Nevis. Her companion is Jonathan Smith, a young man who is the son of her recently deceased companion Frederick. Jonathan was the estranged son of Frederick, arriving in town shortly after his father's death. Kathryn extended her Quaker hospitality to Jonathan even though Frederick never mentioned having a son. As a token of thanks, Jonathan arranges to give Kathryn updated kitchen and bathrooms. Kathryn goes to Nevis, but suddenly feels uneasy. Jonathan has her right where he wants her, thus his plan proceeds on schedule.
Fast forward to 2007, and the introduction of the second protagonist Elizabeth Samms. Kathryn's house is being shown by realtor Shelly Yanoff. Elizabeth always dreamed of living in the house and finally has her chance. She signs the rental lease/intent to purchase papers, leaves a hefty down payment and moves in. Gordon Roosevelt, the owner is having second thoughts about selling the house and asks his handyman Donovan Smith to investigate the Samms family. Although Donovan doesn't really have anything negative to report, Gordon abruptly changes his mind and begins a campaign of harrassment. His sole intention is to get rid of the Samms family AND keep the down payment. Everything the Samms family does results in breaking a clause of the rental lease.
All the while a stranger happens upon the scene, with claims to the house. Thelma Ribeaux is Kathryn's sister. She screams theft to Elizabeth, who brushes the accusations aside so sure that her purchase of the house is legitimate. Both ladies tell ther story to the Lieutennant at their local precinct. He determines that Elizabeth has the right to stay in the house, but he promptly launches an investigation into the disappearance of Kathryn.
Spend the rest of the book delving into the characters and their motives, learn what happened to Kathryn, and see if Elizabeth will suffer the same fate!
Philadelphia is where I call home.
2.What is the title of your most recent book?
Getting Roosevelt—a homeowner’s nightmare is the title of my recent book.
3. What's your Genre?
My favorite genre is suspense/thriller.
4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series?
I have three other books completed, but need to be edited. They are not part of a series.
5.Are you a self published author (Indie) ?
I am an Independent author, don’t like sitting around waiting for the powers that be to make a decision.
6.Who's your favorite author?
My favorite author is James Patterson.
7.Your favorite book?
My favorite book is the Holy Bible. It is never outdated. -I like that!
8.What book are you currently reading?
I was in the middle of reading The Summons by John Grisham.
9. A book you would recommend?
James Patterson, Tom Clancy, and Robert Ludlum always put out a good book.
10. How do you pick your books?
I pick out my books based on the way the first two pages read. If it has a good voice, then I know it’s worth my while.
11. Advice for other authors?
My advice to authors, especially new authors, is not let your confidence waver. If you have gotten good responses from co-workers and teachers in writing workshops, then you should pursue your dream.
12. Do you write under a pen name?
I sort of write under a pen name. When I first started I was still married; now that I’m divorced I’ve chosen my married name. My freelance columns still bear my married names.
13. Where do you write?
I like to write at my dining room table. I have a huge picture window with plenty of sunlight shining in.
14. What do you wear when you write?
When I get up in the morning I tend to get dressed for the day. If I don’t have any appointments schedule, then I’m dressed in stretch pants and a tee shirt.
15. Do you have a pet (s)?
No, I don’t have time for pets.
16. Favorite food?
I don’t have any particular favorite food anymore because I tend to sample foods from all cultures.
17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you?
If I was deserted on an island I would want Barack Obama—minus Michelle, Eddie Murphy to make me laugh, and Anderson Cooper for serious worldly conversation.
18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why?
Elizabeth is most like me because she is undergoing my own life experiences. I wanted to tell people what life is like with a difficult child whom I did not know was autistic.
19. What made you want to be a writer?
God sat me down. He took away my job, my health was in jeopardy, and my child was cycling out of control. It was during this time that I began to write. If he had not done that, I would be a registered nurse.
20. Any weird talent?
Communication is my weird talent, considering the fact that I used to be quite an introvert.
21. One thing you never go without?
Pepsi-cola is one thing I can never go without. Believe me I have tried, and found myself experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
22. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover? My blog is a great blog, if I must say so myself. Not only will you find content related to my book, but articles from my freelance gig; and they have nothing to do with my book!
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Thanks again Yvonne, it was a pleasure having you on and thanks to all who drop by to get to know her!

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