Thursday, August 30, 2012

Strangers in the Gale-A Science Fiction Novel by Author Author Joseph Occchipinti- Author Spotlight

Strangers in the Gale (Children of the Three Suns)
Book Description:
An unconscious girl found on a clump of floating kelp radically complicates Bernardo’s life. By all accounts, Ondas is supposed to be uninhabited. Why is the League government hiding the existence of the seafarers? In his quest for answers, the young biologist becomes entangled in a broader conflict that is about to take a recently colonized world to war. Bernardo is swept into a secret world of rebellion and espionage, and uncovers a genocidal policy by his government directed against the child’s aboriginal culture. On this water world fraught with ubiquitous storms, Bernardo, a few of his colleagues, two enslaved technicians, and an enigmatic mystic fight for the girl’s survival and that of her people, discovering a long-forgotten truth that will shake the foundations of worlds.
Image of Joe Occhipinti
About the author:
Joe lives in a small town in Pennsylvania with his wife, Laurie, and son, Paul. As a geographer he teaches as adjunct faculty, and he also co-owns a small, independent used book store and gift shop. Joe has traveled extensively in the U.S. and abroad, and has lived in Italy, Canada and Argentina. He is an avid hiker and nature lover, enjoys the practice of martial arts, and occasionally loves to get his hands dirty behind a potter's wheel, in a woodshop, or some other interesting manual endeavor.
Joesph kindly answered a few questions for me so that I could spotlight him on my blog. It was great getting to know him and about his book. Click the book cover above to go to the Amazon page. Joesph's book is available in both Kindle ebook and paper back.
Now onto my questions!
1. Where do you call home?
-- Clarion, Pennsylvania
2. What is the title of your most recent book?
-- Strangers in the Gale
3. What's your Genre?
-- Science Fiction
4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series?
 -- Yes, Strangers in the Gale is part of a trilogy called Children of the Three Suns.  The second book is currently being edited and will be out this fall.--How exciting!
5. Are you a self published author (Indie) ?
 -- Yes
6. Who's your favorite author?
 -- Hard call, but I would have to say Ursula K. Le Guin because she is not only a great storyteller but also a cares so much for humanity.
7. Your favorite book?
 -- Another hard call, The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
8. What book are you currently reading?
 -- Reamde by Neil Stephenson
9. A book you would recommend?
-- The Terror by Dan Simmons.  It's a great thriller set in a fantastic glacial landscape.
10. How do you pick your books?
-- Mostly from recommendations by friends and family.
11. Advice for other authors?
-- Be true to yourself, don't get swept away by the rush to publish and promote your book.
12. Do you write under a pen name?
-- I don't have a pen name.
13. Where do you write?
-- Sitting on an easy chair with my laptop and a cup of coffee, somewhere within view of the outdoors.
14. What do you wear when you write?
-- Something comfortable and cozy.
15. Do you have a pet (s)?
-- I have a beagle named Pippin, and two cats, Momo and Chipmunk.- the names!
16. Favorite food?
-- I guess sushi -Yum!
17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you?
-- My wife Laurie, my son Paul and Survivorman. -Love it!
18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why?
-- Aicobo, a cleric who sometimes questions the theological underpinnings of his order, but always tries to do the right thing.  He is somewhat like me, but I laugh and joke more, and don't take things quite as seriously.  Still, he is like me because of his ethical stance in life and his compassion for others.
19. What made you want to be a writer?
-- Seeing the emotional impact of my writing on others.  Realizing I can reach people with my writing.  The amazing pleasure of creating a story and all of its characters.
20. Any weird talent?
-- writing... just kidding.  I can juggle and skip over rocks very adeptly.
21. A favorite quote?
-- "Don't sweat the smalls stuff... It's all small stuff."  Richard Carson.
22. What is the one thing you never go without?
-- respect for others -You are so awesome Joe!
23. Your biggest influence?
-- It's gotta be Laurie, I've been blessed to have her in my life for 27 years.
24. Favorite TV show?
-- Okay, I'm gonna say it... The star treck series of shows.  They are like comfort food for me.
25. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover?
-- to be honest I'm fairly new to blogging and I haven't had a chance to sort that out.  I've been happily surprised at how many good blogs show tremendous creativity and talent.
If you would like to connect with the author, here are his links:
Amazon author central page
Add Joe's book Strangers in the Gale to your to-read list on Goodreads!
Fan Joe on Goodreads
Give Joe's Facebook page your like!
Follow Joe on Twitter!
Thanks again Joesph for allowing me to spotlight you on my blog! Thanks all for the drop by and Happy Reading!

P.S. Don't forget to leave your author a review, they really appreciate them!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another Amazon Sucess Story: Author Theresa Ragan's Return of the Rose

Return of the Rose
Click on cover to go to Amazon page.

I just love sucess stories and as an "Indie" author, I just love reading about Indie sucess stories. This story is about author Theresa Ragan and her book Return of the Rose. Having taken a peek inside and reading the first few pages,  I know why. The start is wonderful and immediately a draw in. I have added this book to my to-read stack on Goodreads and recommend  this to any romance lover.

Read about her sucess story here and click the book above to purchase your own copy. Available in  Kindle ebook, audio book and paperback.

Theresa is another inspiration to keep Indie authors writing and hopefully encourage readers to take a chance on the self-published.

Thanks for your drop by and happy reading Return of the Rose!

P.S. Don't forget to leave your authors a review, we appreciate them!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Help Author Jeff Goins Dethrone Fifty Shades of's how...

Image of Jeff Goins

I love Jeff Goins; he's an all around great guy who loves to write and selflessly shares his advice with others without expecting anything in return. He has a website with an endless supply of great advice and tips that really make you think and gets you to come back for more.  I love every bit of what he writes and frequently return for more. I've even signed up for the newsletter to be sure I don't miss a thing and am very happy that I did. Click below to visit his site and see what I'm fussing about.

You'll also want to read his other books  You are a writer so start acting like it  & The Writer's Manifesto: Stop Writing to be read & Adored
You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)The Writer's Manifesto
 The Writer's Manifesto is 44 pages of great advice reminding you of why you write and the reasons you shouldn't be writing for. AFter that you'll wanna pick up his book You are a Writer So start acting like it. Get more great advice that doesn't stop just there.

Now Jeff has another book out and it is called Wrecked. Read below to find out what it's all about.
Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into your Comfortable Life

Wrecked is about the life we are afraid to live. It's about radical sacrifice and selfless service--how we find purpose in the midst of pain. It's a look at how we discover fulfillment in the least likely of places. It's about living like we mean it. It's a guide to growing up and giving your life away, helping you live in the tension between the next adventure and the daily mundane.
This book is for us--a generation intent on pursuing our life's work in a way that leaves us without regrets.
Author Jeff Goins shares his own experience of struggling as a missionary and 20-something who understands the call to live radically while dealing with the everyday responsibilities of life. Wrecked is a manifesto for a generation dissatisfied with the status quo and wanting to make a difference.

And right now Wrecked for Kindle is only .99 cents. It is also available on Barnes & Nobles too. A steal of a deal that ends August 11th. So you'll want to go and download your copy right now. Right now...hurry!

 Click here to do so for Amazon and here for B &N.

So why do you need to buy this book?

Well first, it's gonna be worth the purchase; especially since it's only .99 cents right now and who doesn't like to save a little money. Second, Jeff wants to dethrone  Fifty Shades of Grey from Amazon's #1 title on the bestsellers list. As of right now his book is at #70.

Can we help him make this happen?

Go and read Jeff's personal campagin and decide for yourself.

Remember while your there to read his other posts. Believe me, you're gonna get some some really great advice that will  feed your mind and fuel your writing.


Jeff's Campagin

By the way, my name is A.D. Duling and I'm a writer.

Thanks for dropping in!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Love Romance? Author Carol Cassada's Westmore: Broken Ties- Spotlight Interview

the lovely Carol Cassada

I would like to introduce to you the lovely romance author Carol Cassada, romance author of Westmore: Broken Ties. I asked Carol just a few questions and this is what she had to say. It's been fun getting to know her and do check out her book available on Amazon  Kindle and B& N Nook.

1.Where do you call home?
Ringgold, VA
2. What is the title of your most recent book?
My latest release is called Westmore:Broken Ties, it’s the third volume in the series, which is what I describe asromance novel meets soap opera.
3. What's your Genre?
My books are classified as romance,but they can also be considered drama.

4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series?
Westmore: Broken Ties is part of aseries, I’m currently working on volume four which I hope to release next year.I’ve got ten volumes planned, although that could change down the road.

5. Are you a self published author (Indie) ?
I’m proud to say I’m aself-published author. My first book Going Home Again was released by an e-bookpublisher, but with the Westmore series I wasn’t having any luck with thetraditional route, and I decided to switch to self-publishing, which I’m glad Idid.

6. Who's your favorite author?
I’m a huge fan of ghost books and Ihave all the books in the Ghost of Virginia series from L.B. Taylor Jr.

7. Your favorite book?
Anything that has to do withghosts or the supernatural is right up my alley, and plus I’m into romance also.

8. What book are you currently reading?
Currently I’m reading three books, The World’s Most Haunted Places, Maid forthe Billionaire, and Your Guardian Angel and You. I try to read a little ofeach or at least one of them every day.

9. A book you would recommend?
If you’re into history and the supernatural I’d recommend the Ghost of Virginia series.

10. How do you pick your books?
The blurb is what helps me the most, if it sounds interesting then I’ll look atthe table of contents or skim the first couple of pages to see if it’ssomething I’d like to buy.

11. Advice for other authors?
One piece of advice I’d give to authors is don’t let a bad review bring you down. In this industry, you’re going to get a bad review every once in a while,but that’s just one person’s opinion.  Some people may like the book, others may not.To me the only opinion that’s important is your own, if you love your book that’s all that matters.

12. Do you write under a pen name?
I use my real name when writing, theonly time I’d use a pen name is if it’s a book I wouldn’t want my family to read.

13. Where do you write?
I have a desk and computer set upin my bedroom, where I have privacy. It’s my own little retreat.

14. What do you wear when you write?
I like to be comfortable when I write. Usually, I’ll wear either jogging pantsor knit capris, along with an old shirt.

15. Do you have a pet (s)?
I have three dogs, a yellow lab/chow mix, a black lab/chow mix, and a JackRussell/Schnauzer mix. Plus, I also have two cats, and they’re the bestcompanions in the world.-They are!

16. Favorite food?
Pepperoni pizza will always be myfavorite. Plus, I have an enormous sweet tooth, so cakes, cookies, and pieswill fill me up. -Yum!

17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would wantwith you?
I’d choose Russell Crowe, Bruce Willis, and Alex O’ Loughlin, not only are theygood looking, but they’re tough guys too and could help me survive.

18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why?
Out of all the characters, I relatethe most to Alicia. We both have this tough, but sensitive side to us. We’realso a mixture of tomboy and girly girl. Plus, we’re the only girls in thefamily and we get picked on a lot by our brothers.

19. What made you want to be a writer?
Growing up I didn’t have my mindset on a specific career, I’d change my mind every couple of months on what Iwanted to be. Then in high school I took a creative writing course, which was ahelp to me because that was a difficult time in my life. I felt like I didn’tfit in and plus my parents were divorcing, so I used writing as my escapism. Iloved it so much that I decided this is what I wanted to do with my life.

20. Any weird talent?
It’s not weird, but I can do impersonations of my family.

21. A favorite quote?
“Reachhigh, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedesthe goal.”
Pamela Vaull Starr

22. What is the one thing you never go without?
That’s tough; I’d say either my cell phone or computer.

23. Your biggest influence?
My mom is my biggest supporter, she’s the one who encouraged me to follow mydream of writing, and threatened to kick my butt if I gave up. No matter what happens, I know she’ll always be there for me. -I like that!

24. Favorite TV show?
I like Criminal Minds, Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Golden Girls, and I Love Lucy.

25. A great blog you would like torecommend for others to discover?
One good blog that I recommend isRachel in the OC

Carol's Website
Follow Carol onTwitter
Add Carol's book to your to read list on Goodreads and fan her too!
Check out Carol's Facebook page andgive her your like.

Thanks again Carol for allowing me to spotlight you on my blog and thanks all for dropping by to get to know author Carol Cassanda and her book Westmore: broken Ties.
 Stay tuned for a future giveaway of her book!

P.S. Don't forget to give your authors a review, they really appreciate them! Happy Reading!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey is sharing those Seven Shades of Crimson with Actress Kristen Stewart

It seems negative reviews are catching up to those positive ones for Fifty Shades of Grey and those leaving those reviews are not delicate in expressing their opinions. In fact many of the reviews are claimed to be better writing than what is found in the book.

"Then there's the writing. If you take out the parts where the female character is blushing or chewing her lips, the book will be down to about 50 pages."

"And oh, the repetition...and the repetition...and the repetition. I'm convinced the author has a computer macro that she hits to insert one of her limited repertoire of facial expressions whenever she needs one. According to my Kindle search function, characters roll their eyes 41 times, Ana bites her lip 35 times, Christian's lips "quirk up" 16 times, Christian "cocks his head to one side" 17 times, characters "purse" their lips 15 times, and characters raise their eyebrows a whopping 50 times. Add to that 80 references to Ana's anthropomorphic "subconscious" (which also rolls its eyes and purses its lips, by the way), 58 references to Ana's "inner goddess," and 92 repetitions of Ana saying some form of "oh crap" (which, depending on the severity of the circumstances, can be intensified to "holy crap," "double crap," or the ultimate "triple crap"). And this is only part one of a trilo"

 The book labeled as fan fiction inspired by Stephanie Meyers "Twilight" series and as "mommy porn" seems to be acquiring a new label these days; it's called "crap." Whats even worse is the comments below these negative reviews are for the most part filled with  fellow readers agreeing. Readers who did not leave official reviews. Imagine what that negative number would be if they had? I'm thinking E.L. better keep those fingers crossed or face turning those 7 shades of crimson herself!

Speaking of turning crimson, it seems our "Bella" actress Kristen Stewart is bearing those 7 shades of crimson these days. Poor Kristen was caught in a make out session with her director Rupert Sanders of the film  Snow White and the Huntsman and dear Robert is turning 7 shades of angry fire burning bright crimson (yeah made that up) over it. 
kristen stewart 5 Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson with director (6 photos)
courtesy of

Robert Pattinson was just about to propose to his gal within a few weeks when the cheating came to light. He  moved out of their shared home two days later and refuses to speak to her. He is however wanting to speak with Rupert. As for Kristen Stewart, she's apologized and I believe she is genuinely sorry.
photo courtesy of
Will our Bella and Edward make up? I sure hope so.

As of now, time will only tell. Oh the woes of love...

As for Rupert Sanders, he's apologized too, but has a lot of groveling to do I'm sure before he gains his wife's forgiveness, who by the way could only respond with a single tweet of "wow" just hours before the scandal hit tabloids.

What do I think about this whole drama?

I do agree, it was a poor lapse of judgement for the two, but it is something forgivable. Mistakes after all do happen and do teach us something. We are human and hopefully Kristen appreciates more what she's got ... or for now what she had...

Good luck you two!

As for E.L. James I mean no offense and do congratulate her on her sucess. It is a very hard thing to put pen to paper (or fingertips to keyboard) and write out a story and not every story is loved by everyone.

Thanks for dropping by!