Book Description:
An unconscious girl found on a clump of floating kelp radically complicates
Bernardo’s life. By all accounts, Ondas is supposed to be uninhabited. Why is
the League government hiding the existence of the seafarers? In his quest for
answers, the young biologist becomes entangled in a broader conflict that is
about to take a recently colonized world to war. Bernardo is swept into a secret
world of rebellion and espionage, and uncovers a genocidal policy by his
government directed against the child’s aboriginal culture. On this water world
fraught with ubiquitous storms, Bernardo, a few of his colleagues, two enslaved
technicians, and an enigmatic mystic fight for the girl’s survival and that of
her people, discovering a long-forgotten truth that will shake the foundations
of worlds.

About the author:
Joe lives in a small town in Pennsylvania with his wife, Laurie, and son, Paul.
As a geographer he teaches as adjunct faculty, and he also co-owns a small,
independent used book store and gift shop. Joe has traveled extensively in the
U.S. and abroad, and has lived in Italy, Canada and Argentina. He is an avid
hiker and nature lover, enjoys the practice of martial arts, and occasionally
loves to get his hands dirty behind a potter's wheel, in a woodshop, or some
other interesting manual endeavor.
Joesph kindly answered a few questions for me so that I could spotlight him on my blog. It was great getting to know him and about his book. Click the book cover above to go to the Amazon page. Joesph's book is available in both Kindle ebook and paper back.
Now onto my questions!
1. Where do you call home?
-- Clarion, Pennsylvania
2. What is the title of your most recent book?
-- Strangers in the Gale
3. What's your Genre?
-- Science Fiction
4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series?
-- Yes, Strangers in the Gale is part of a trilogy called Children of the Three Suns. The second book is currently being edited and will be out this fall.--How exciting!
5. Are you a self published author (Indie) ?
-- Yes
6. Who's your favorite author?
-- Hard call, but I would have to say Ursula K. Le Guin because she is not only a great storyteller but also a cares so much for humanity.
7. Your favorite book?
-- Another hard call, The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
8. What book are you currently reading?
-- Reamde by Neil Stephenson
9. A book you would recommend?
-- The Terror by Dan Simmons. It's a great thriller set in a fantastic glacial landscape.
10. How do you pick your books?
-- Mostly from recommendations by friends and family.
11. Advice for other authors?
-- Be true to yourself, don't get swept away by the rush to publish and promote your book.
12. Do you write under a pen name?
-- I don't have a pen name.
13. Where do you write?
-- Sitting on an easy chair with my laptop and a cup of coffee, somewhere within view of the outdoors.
14. What do you wear when you write?
-- Something comfortable and cozy.
15. Do you have a pet (s)?
-- I have a beagle named Pippin, and two cats, Momo and Chipmunk.- the names!
16. Favorite food?
-- I guess sushi -Yum!
17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you?
-- My wife Laurie, my son Paul and Survivorman. -Love it!
18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why?
-- Aicobo, a cleric who sometimes questions the theological underpinnings of his order, but always tries to do the right thing. He is somewhat like me, but I laugh and joke more, and don't take things quite as seriously. Still, he is like me because of his ethical stance in life and his compassion for others.
-- Aicobo, a cleric who sometimes questions the theological underpinnings of his order, but always tries to do the right thing. He is somewhat like me, but I laugh and joke more, and don't take things quite as seriously. Still, he is like me because of his ethical stance in life and his compassion for others.
19. What made you want to be a writer?
-- Seeing the emotional impact of my writing on others. Realizing I can reach people with my writing. The amazing pleasure of creating a story and all of its characters.
20. Any weird talent?
-- writing... just kidding. I can juggle and skip over rocks very adeptly.
21. A favorite quote?
-- "Don't sweat the smalls stuff... It's all small stuff." Richard Carson.
22. What is the one thing you never go without?
-- respect for others -You are so awesome Joe!
23. Your biggest influence?
-- It's gotta be Laurie, I've been blessed to have her in my life for 27 years.
24. Favorite TV show?
-- Okay, I'm gonna say it... The star treck series of shows. They are like comfort food for me.
25. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover?
-- to be honest I'm fairly new to blogging and I haven't had a chance to sort that out. I've been happily surprised at how many good blogs show tremendous creativity and talent.
If you would like to connect with the author, here are his links:
Amazon author central page
Joe's Blog -Children of the three sons
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Thanks again Joesph for allowing me to spotlight you on my blog! Thanks all for the drop by and Happy Reading!
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