Thursday, June 28, 2012

Inspiration in the most peculiar way...

Some of my blogger/author friends may have noticed I've been MIA for some time. Well not entirely...but missing more than around. It's my grandma and then some. My dear grandma that I love very much was diagnosed with Mesothelioma two years ago. Yep years ago, many, many years ago, she smoked one of the cigarette brands that had asbestos in their filters. She is now in hospice and I am cherishing my time with her.

My grandmother is a wonderful woman. I love spending time with my grandparents and it is heartbreaking watching my grandma deteriorate before me. To make matters worse my cousin died unexpectedly earlier in the week.

I loved my cousin and the loss of him is hard. For those of you who know me well, you’ll know that I am a firm believer of the paranormal. I am a dedicated Ghost Hunters & Ghost Adventures fan (I blogged about them in the A to Z challenge even).

I instill religion in my life( I am after all LDS (Mormon)- yes I even have profile with the LDS church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) stating “I’m a Mormon") and became that ghost believer through my experiences with my uncle. He passed away twenty four years ago and is the father of my recently passed away cousin :0(

A few years after his passing, my mother wasn’t sure if some unusual things going on were because of my uncle checking in to say hello. You know lights, TV turning off, noises…So she said a loud to him one morning “leave me a dime every time you visit, so I know you were here and it was you. Well guess what? He did.

Every time my uncle dropped in for visit, a dime would be found. Dimes do not show up so easily as pennies and quarters do, this is why she chose that coin. Where the dimes are found and how are proof there is no mere coincidence to them.

I have a tootsie roll cardboard piggy bank that now holds all the dimes my uncle has lef my family.

Four years ago, when my son was born, he came very premature (my placenta tore). Sixteen weeks premature.
 I was very anemic and chewing even tired me out. I was also in pain and worried about my little guy. A dime was found between my covers, between my legs ( a respectable place) while I was lying in the hospital bed. No purses or change were ever near me .  I was very tired and hurting after a visit from my kids and was mustering the last of my strength to go visit my son for a few minutes before time for bed) I found the dime as I pulled the top cover aside . Lying on the sheet between my legs was the dime.

When my son came home, life was hard. Hard feedings, oxygen, very bad reflux and just unhappy baby. Dimes were  found in my son’s bed and near him (empty and found upon rolling the blanket back to lay him down- not when baby was in bed, he was a daddy once.)
I found them in my bed, a dresser drawer, in the washer (just the dime, no other change) on the floor when I just walked before and wasn’t there. Many places.

Another time returning back, walking along my path I had just taken, lost in deep thought about a big decision in my life, I found a dime waiting for me. Two years ago, doubting if I should be writing, I open my laptop and what do I find; A dime. Did I mention every time the dime is always heads up.

I can go through dry spells finding nothing and then once in a while, one will show up. It seems when things are rough (health or emotional) the dimes appear.  I believe this is my uncle letting me know he cares and I am not alone.

My ghost story is a very dear one to me. It’s not scary and won’t give you a fright, but it does touch the heart and just might make you a believer. I love my uncle very much and my cousin. I love my grandma dearly too.

The point of this share is  being a believer of the spirits, I also believe in divine intervention and inspiration.  Just six days ago, I came home and an idea clicked into my mind about a story. I had just recently finished writing The Other Vampire.- the sequel to my One of Them and wasn’t planning on writing anymore stories for at least a month. I had editing to look foward to. The Battle- the fourth book to my Anna Kippling Series was supposed to come next.

Well, so I thought. I go with this idea and sit down at my computer. I start typing and in four days produce 20,000 words(not typing every hour, spurts, really spurts!) This is a feat, at least for me. My longest book to date is shy of 48,000 words. Today I am shy of 29,000 words on this book. I have a title and I think this is an amazing story. It just poured out of me and won’t stop. I am nearing completion. I am guessing it will end at my average: fewer than 50,000 words. I guess that’s just how I write :0)

So… this story is of course a ghost story. It’s also a mystery/sleuthing kind of one as well. I loved Nancy Drew and other mystery novels. Writing one, I never thought I could. I also write in third person, I felt comfortable with that. Never thought I would write in first. Well, I am with this book. Very interesting….

As I am steadily nearing completion of this book, I am now realizing a series is in the making. I have my title and now a book cover (I am going to show it too you!).  I have also incorporated the special tokens that my uncle leaves me and my cousin’s name is a character. I started this book before my cousin died. In fact just a few days before.

I do not know why this story came to my thoughts or why I felt inspired to incorporate the dimes into it, but it did. The name Freddie (my cousin’s) just somehow worked in there too beforehand.  As a writer/author our characters are us; sometimes tiny bits and sometimes the spitting image. They have our personalities and our imperfections. They have a touch of the person we wouldn’t want to be or the person we would.

 In turn, we leave ourselves vulnerable to our readers. You are in essence peeling us in layers down to our tender core. My main character is Rebecca Daniels and I can honestly say Rebecca is me. Her thought process, her demeanor and her spirit are a mimic of my characteristics. It will be a few months before Stalking Claire Stevens is published in the Kindle Store via Amazon, but I just had to share it with you now. I had to share my thoughts as they are so very random…

Think of as many nasty labels for a human being you can think of in one second and then double it, no triple it. After that form it like clay, chisel it out like marble until perfection is formed and then call it Claire Stevens.
I was murdered and Claire Stevens had something to do with it.

All I need to do is prove it now. Easier said than done being that I'm dead.

This is why I am stalking Claire Stevens...

I shall of course dedicate this book to my uncle and my cousin.

Thank you for dropping by and reading this,

Monday, June 25, 2012

Author Spotlight- Lisa Lewis Moon-

I could ask Lisa questions all day. I just loved reading her answers and her personality! Lisa Lewis Moon is a fellow Indie(self-pub) author and this is her debut book:
Click on the book to go to the Amazon page.
Claire Templeton thought she had escaped the horror of life on Butcher Harbor after graduation from high school. Now an upcoming fashion designer in New York City, Claire has to put her bright future on hold and return to Butcher Harbor when her mother atempts to take her own life. Thrust back into the world she grew up in, her past catches up with her quicker than she hoped. As she expected, the ghosts of Templeton House have been waiting for her return, refusing to let her escape their grasp. Claire reluctantly returns to the Harbor, setting off a series of events that throw the town into turmoil and could possibly cost Claire her life.

1. Where do you call home? I wrote my book in Sweet Home Alabama, but I prefer Phoenix, Arizona. I miss the big city. Right now I live in the middle of nowhere. I have to drive an hour just to see a movie.
2. What is the title of your most recent book?  My First book is House on Butcher Harbor. So many people have requested a sequel. They say they want to know what happens to these people next. So I am writing HOBH 2: Pirates Cove. I never planned to write a second book, but I am glad people have asked because I do enjoy these characters and wouldn’t mind seeing where life takes them next.
3. What's your Genre? Ghost stories. I Guess that is in the horror category, but there is no gore in my books. I used to write gore, but found I couldn’t sleep at night. Ghosts I am used to. - I am a ghost fanatic!

4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series? (see above)

5. Are you a self published author (Indie) ? I chose to self-publish because my mother was very ill at the time I finished the book. I was afraid she would pass away and not get to see her daughter's book in print. So basically I did it so my mom could bask in some bragging rights for a while. Is that so wrong? -Not at all Lisa:0)
6. Who's your favorite author? My favorite authors are Steinbeck, King, Koontz and Sparks in that order. And let’s not forget  James Patterson. - I am a Koontz fan

7. Your favorite book? Travels with Charlie and the Andromeda Strain. If this where a Bradbury story, I would have to choose to be the Andromeda Strain. I love Travels with Charlie for personal reasons, but I would love to share The Andromeda Strain with everyone.
8. What book are you currently reading? Violin, by Anne Rice. I have just started it so I don’t have any thoughts about it yet.
9. A book you would recommend? Since it would be rude to say my own, I would have to recommend The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks.

10. How do you pick your books? First the title and cover have to catch my eye. Then I read the blurb. After that I read the first paragraph or two to see if I can stand the writing. If I get bored I will not read it, if it catches my attention I won’t put it down. James Patterson writes the kind of stories that I find I have finished in one sitting. I find the sun has come up and I am still turning pages- just one more chapter- until I have finished the book.
11. Advice for other authors? I actually have advice for wanna be authors. It is my pet project. I say stop wanting to be a writer and write. You will find an audience when you have something to share. Stop doubting yourself and putting it off until later. Do it! You know who you are! Yes, I am talking to you. - I agree
12. Do you write under a pen name? No. I think it is foolish, but that is just me. I have to be honest, since I was a little kids I ALWAYS wanted to see my name on a book in the grocery store or department store where I shop.

13. Where do you write? Wherever the mood strikes me. I used to have a desk in my bedroom, but I found I needed more space for living. Sometimes the kitchen table or the sofa with my lap top. But I prefer to write on a porch or patio with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Now that I live in Alabama I don’t have a porch or a patio and I quit smoking.
14. What do you wear when you write? Preferably? Pajamas. I want to be comfortable and to feel like I am goofing off. I do better work when it is not considered work.
15. Do you have a pet (s)? I wrote House on Butcher Harbor with my mini Chocolate lab wrapped around my feet. He would curl up under my desk while I wrote for hours on end. He was killed before the book was finished and I missed him being there throughout the edits. Now we have a rotty and a golden lab that keep an eye on my while I write. It is a group effort. -awww...

16. Favorite food? Cilantro. I know that is not a food, but it is a flavor I crave. I could live off of tacos and burritos just to taste that and love Pico de Gallo (salsa) best of all.
17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you? Tarzan (someone strong), Julia Child (someone who could make anything taste good) and Ray Bradbury (to tell me stories). -The perfect mix:0)
18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why? I have to honestly say there is a little bit of me in every character. People who know me will find me in the good and the bad characters I create.
19. What made you want to be a writer? Being an avid reader. The more I read as a child the more I wanted to create my own stories. I wanted to see my name on the cover of a book. It wasn’t about the fame or everyone knowing who I was. I wanted to be able to walk through the grocery store and see my book on the shelf I had shopped as a kid, but no one around me know that book was written by me, the person pushing the cart. Silly I know, but it was my biggest dream.

20. Any weird talent? If you were to ask my dad he would say being nosy. If something is going on, I want- no need- to know the who, what, why, where and when of it all. I should have been a reporter, but I never allowed myself to do that until I wrote for the Clanton Advertiser as a community columnist. I got that job because I dared to take it upon myself to write an article and was brave enough to turn it into the newspaper on the chance they would print it for me. They loved it and gave me the job.

21. What is the one thing you never go without? My husband! I think I would go insane without him. If I were to be stranded on a desert island all I would really need is him. He would be my Tarzan, he could whip up food out of nothing like Julia Child and he could weave me stories like Bradbury all in one handsome package. I would never want to be rescued. -AWWWW...
23. Your biggest influence? For writing I would have to say my children. They push me to write when I want to be a couch potato. They had faith in me all the time. While they didn’t read my book, they still believed in me; that made me believe in myself.
24. Favorite TV show? Bones. I love all the characters in the story, how they interact and react to one another.
25. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover? Novel Publicity! Nothing better for writers. For readers there are so many. It would depend on the genre. - I agree!

Lisa's blog
Add her book to your shelf on Goodreads.
Fan Lisa on Goodreads.
Like Lisa's Facebook page

It's been  a pleasure getting to know Lisa and I havbe added her book to my to-read list on Goodreads, sounds amazing! I just love ghosts! Thanks again Lisa!

Thanks for dropping in,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Author A.D. Duling- The Other Vampire Cover Reveal!

Today I typed the last word of The Other Vampire, sequel to my Urban Fantasy One of Them.

Evie has now become a vampire, but learns as she goes; she has also become something else. Retaining the traits of her attacker Jonas, Evie not only has the advantages of what comes with the Vampire breed, she now has the advantages of what comes from the werewolf as well; but with a twist.  With genetics, no two things form equally and through genetic history passed down from one generation to another; Evie has picked up her father’s traits and when she shifts, instead of becoming the creature the werewolf encompasses, she shifts into a wolf like him, better known as the shape-shifter.
With both characteristics, Evie has created a new species and a greater kind at that. Bending time is no longer a Bender quality, Evie has picked that up too and even more, she can also see as one “bends” which no other Bender can do that.  Long ago when Michael had told Nathan he was the last of their breed, he was right. A new breed has been brought forth, a new and stronger force that would only consist of one and would come in the form of Evangeline.
New trouble comes to Bigfork and to Evie and the others who stand with her. This trouble comes in a form too and he is ready for the challenge and for the hunt.
He is the other vampire…

 It's always an exciting moment for a writer/author when they finish a story or a book. This one by far was an exciting as well as twisting adventure and there is some great news to go along with it...Evie Patterson's story isn't over yet! Yup...there shall be a third installment to this series. The other Vampire is due to release late September 2012, so just a little while longer!



Lincoln Bender may call her the ea singulus unus or the single one, but Evie learns she is also classified as something else; The Dhampir. She may not be the child of a vampire and a human, but the rules of these mythical creatures were never implied to be set in stone. After all they were supposed to be fictitious and who ever said there couldn’t be variations to the breed. However with this particular breed, Evie discovers it also comes with some downfalls and she now has to figure out how to overcome them as she tries to destroy the threatening vampire, Lincoln Bender. New discoveries come to light along with new allies and enemies entering the mix.

Lincoln Bender isn’t a foe so easily taken down and has avoided such the outcome for a very long time. It’s clear Evie has picked her side and Lincoln Bender isn’t too happy about that.  It  takes two to play the game or make the fight, but Evie Patterson isn’t so easily scared off. She also isn’t called the single one just for the calling. Even though her changed state may be flawed, there are  some advantages to being the only one and this gal plans on reminding Lincoln Bender of just that.

There is an old saying …If you dish it, be prepared to take it…

The other vampire will soon regret that he ever did dish it ...
Stay tuned for the cover reveal on this one.

thanks for dropping by and sharing this exciting moment with me!


P.S. Click "Join A.D.'s Distro list" to keep in the news!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Author Spotlight- Author Neesha Hosein of I of the Storm

The lovely author Neesha Hosein has allowed me to spotlight her on my humble little blog in this vast webverse and I just enjoyed getting to know about her! Don't forget to click her links below to connect with Neesha on Twitter & Facebook, also check out her book and blog!
Isn't she lovely!!!

1. Where do you call home?
Houston, TX
2. What is the title of your most recent book?
I of the Storm
Book Blurb:
Being struck by lightning as a child sets Kira on a path to realization. Her life becomes a riveting series of events, and her guiding light is the supernatural. Her adventurous visions lead her through some spine-tingling discoveries about her husband, the man whose rigorous rules she obediently follows in a life filled with both tribulation and triumph.

3. What's your Genre?
Adult/fiction, suspense, thriller, with a dash of supernatural and a healthy dose of mystery and crime all in one.

4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series?
At first, I wasnt sure, but when I saw an amazing photo on National Geographics Facebook page, it inspired me to go for book two! It was perfect for the next book cover. And better yet, I too a wild chance and emailed the photographer about using the photo and asked the cost, and he gave me permission at no charge. So that makes me believe book two is meant to be. Its in the works.
5. Are you a self-published author (Indie) ?
Yes, and proudly so. Even my book cover is a photo I took from an airplane. Im a huge fan of do-it-yourself projects, major to minor. And I made my own book trailer, too. Here it is on Youtube 

6. Who's your favorite author?
I try not to have a favorite because there are just way too many great ones out there. I enjoy the works of Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Michael Connelly, Judy Blume, Charlotte Bronte, Khaled Hosseini and lots more.
7. Your favorite book?
Again, I feel bad to just pick one. I love The Kite Runner, A Secret Life of Bees, all seven Harry Potter books (which I read twice), A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Outsiders, A Time to Kill, To Kill a Mockingbird, Chasing the Dime, Jane Eyre, and countless more.

8. What book are you currently reading?
Next in line is the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy, Catching Fire. And I always try to read at least two indie books per month. I just finished Fairy Metal Thunder, by J.L. Bryan, which was very good.

9. A book you would recommend?
The Hunger Games
10. How do you pick your books?
All I need to know is the title, genre and a very, very brief synopsis, like one sentence. Like Its a book about a zombie apocalypse and has a mediocre romance. I like to find out the rest myself.
11. Advice for other authors?
Promote, promote, promote. Even when it seems futile, keep on going. Never stop trying and never ever stop writing.

12. Do you write under a pen name?
Nope, Im always Neesha Hosein.
13. Where do you write?
On my bed, surrounded by soft snuggly pillows, a/c on 68F and under my pink fuzzy blanket. Ambiance is everything to me. Although! If a bright idea hits me, I pull out my trusty brain book (if I dont have my laptop) and purple pen and start scribbling until Ive purged all ideas that wanted to be written.

14. What do you wear when you write?
Preferably, PJs.  Im a journalist, professional writer/editor by day, so at my job, its not possible to get THAT comfy when I write.
15. Do you have a pet (s)?
No, but I did keep my Pound Puppy stuffed toy I got for my 11th birthday. Hes the perfect pet for me. Quiet, loves to cuddle, doesnt require food and doesnt poop.
16. Favorite food?
Margherita pizza or chicken fajitas. I could eat either of those every day.

17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you?
Maxwell so he could sing to me. Bill Hader of SNL to make me laugh. And J.K. Rowling so we could talk about Harry Potter all day.
18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why?
The main character, protagonist  Kira. She was born of me, my life experiences and things Ive seen and heard, many of which are embellished in the book to create the graphic scenes.

19. What made you want to be a writer?
My mom taught me how to read before age 5, so my love for words grew from then into a lifelong passion. It wasnt enough just to read. I had stories brewing in my mind, and writing felt like second nature. I wrote my first short story at age 11.
20. Any weird talent?
People always seem amazed when they find out Im ambidextrous. I can write with both hands, and I have three different handwritings (2 on the right, 1 on the left). And I can do most things with both hands, like put on make-up, brush my teeth, shoot a basketball, etc. - that is too awesome!

21. A favorite quote?
I intend to live forever or die trying. (Groucho Marx)
22. What is the one thing you never go without?
23. Your biggest influence?
Motherhood. I had my oldest at 18, so he taught me responsibility, patience and how to be selfless. My youngest has autism, which has been one of my lifes greatest challenges. I have a blog series called Autism vs. Neesha where I discuss all the terrifying, funny, quirky and sometimes sad things I go through with my kiddo. ( )

24. Favorite TV show?
Impossible to pick only one. Im hooked on Law & Order: SVU, Saturday Night Live, and The Golden Girls from the 80s. Give it a chance. Its HILARIOUS!
25. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover?
Aside from mine? *wink* I really enjoy reading - It is so fun

Neesha's website
'Like' Neesha on Facebook
Follow her blog
Follow Neesha on Twitter

Thanks for dropping by and thanks again Neesha!

Click the Giveaway link above to check out my latest and upcoming giveaways!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

July 4th Random shares- books,gadgets, and recipies

I like to get random sometimes. Randomness is fun, so lets have some, shall we?
July is coming up and this means Independence Day! (my hubby's b-day by the way!)  Many celebrate this day with fireworks, barbaques,parties, etc...

Wanna impress your guests? Of course!

Pier 1 has some flag lantern string of lights to light up your event!
Only 12.74 right now!
Need some plates to show your patriotism?
Claudia Pearson and Indigo Collection has a set for you: Click plates to purchase!

Now you need something good to fill that plate, now don't ya? A burger sounds great, doesn't it? How about a Beef Portobello stack one?

Looks good doesn't it? Click here to get the recipe, courtesy of

Wanna easy dessert for the occasion? Here's one again from I just love this magazine!!!

Click here for the recipe!

Now about the bug problem...what are we gonna do about those mosquitoes and other annoying flying insects?
Target has a nice gazebo net canopy for ya, that will impress the guests!
Right now they have a temporary price cut of $199. and always FREE shipping!

Need a less expensive price to ease the pocketbook?
Walmart has this one for only $98.!

Click on pics to go to sites!

Wanna save even more moola, but wanna protect the guests....

These suggestions will save you a bunch of bucks and your guests! You can find these items almost anywhere!

Have a bug indoor problem?

My Critter Catcher may be just the thing for you! go to and for $15 dollars you can catch and dispose of your crawly critter without even touching it!

Pretty impressive, huh!

Thinking of just celebrating the event with some quality alone quiet time? Wanna curl up with a book maybe? Here's a suggestion:
The Chaperone by: Laura Moriarity

Gonna celebrate the day of Independence pool side?
Shabbyapple. com has some suits for ya!
Click pic to go there!

There you go! Have a great and safe Independence Day from yours truly A.D. Duling!

P.S. Click my giveaway link at the top and enter to win a free Kindle Copy of my book to read for the summer in that fabulous new swimsuit from!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Author Spotlight- M. C. V. Egan- Historical Fiction Author of The Bridge of Deaths

I would like to introduce to you author M.C. V. Egan- Historical Fiction writer! She's a great gal and an impressive fellow Indie Author. I cannot thank M.C.V. enough for allowing me to spotlight her on my blog and enjoy reading her answers and learning more about her debut book The Bridge of Deaths.

On August 15th 1939, at the brink of World War II, an English plane crashed and sunk in Danish waters. Five deaths were reported: two Standard Oil of New Jersey employees, a German Corporate Lawyer, an English member of Parliament, and a crew member for the airline. Here is a conceivable version of the events.

1. Where do you call home? I have been living in South Florida for the past 20+ years. I have lived in Mexico, France, Sweden and various parts of the US.  I like to think of myself as capable of calling many places home!
 2. What is the title of your most recent book? THE BRIDGE OF DEATHS is my debut novel.
 3. What's your Genre? I write using Historical research and I use psychics, Astrology and other ‘occult’ paranormal tools, I love an edge of mystery and always a touch of romance. The book I am working on now has blood and violence which makes me cringe…but it belongs there.
 I would like to write in a wide variety of genres but avoid horror and cannot imagine that I would be too successful at fantasy.

 4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series? There will eventually be a BOOK II for The Bridge of Deaths, but the book I am working on now 4covert2overt In 33 Days is a very different and unrelated book to TBOD.
 5. Are you a self-published author (Indie)? Yes, I published through Authorhouse and had a lot of hand holding and guidance. I know some Indie authors feel this is not as self-published as just going for it on CreateSpace or other more independent venues, but you are on your own and on your toes.
 6. Who's your favorite author? I have so many. If I must pick just one I will go with W Sommerset Maugham.
 7. Your favorite book? I cannot imagine choosing here as there are really Many, if I had to have 1 book and 1 book only the complete works of….the thickest complete works of one of so many amazing writers we have had or have.

 8. What book are you currently reading? HIT LIT; Cracking The Code of The Twentieth Century’s Biggest Bestsellers by James W. Hall
 9. A book you would recommend? HIT LIT, especially for all writers. James W. Hall has an amazing résumé; author of 17 novels, four books of poetry and much more. He also teaches English Lit and this book dissects what makes a best seller a best seller. I recently attended a short workshop based on the book.
 Using the elements described in this book why not tweak my next work to be a biggest best seller?
 10. How do you pick your books? Frankly sometimes books pick me! I kid you not; books have been known to find their way to me. If I find an author that I enjoy I do make it a point to read EVERYTHING by them. I also am afraid that at an airport on a rush…well I have been known to pick a book by its cover.

 11. Advice for other authors? Persevere, re-write, edit your work, BREATHE, enjoy what you are writing and remember that no-one has your perspective in ANY story.
 12. Do you write under a pen name? M.C.V. Egan do initials count as a pen name?
 13. Where do you write? I usually write at home in my very own cozy writing room.
 14. What do you wear when you write? Comfy clothes? Which is all I wear anyway and a towel close by for sweat dripping hot flashes!
 15. Do you have a pet (s)? A five pound Chihuahua who is convinced he is my second son. -Awww!

 16. Favorite food? This too me is just like books, and authors sheer torture to choose just one! I really enjoy cooking and I use very fresh ingredients, what I eat the most is a wide fun variety of salads I am also very, very fond of desserts.
 17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you? Tom Hanks; he can teach us a thing or two after cast-away and he seems like a very interesting person. I would also have Meryl Streep and Warren Buffet there, Meryl is fascinating and entertaining and Mr. Buffet would be rescued very fast and we would probably get a fabulous rescue meal from such a wealthy man.-- I like it! 18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why? In TBOD I am most similar to Bill. I have discovered many things because I have had to, not because I have wanted to. Also as much as the Universe shows me over and over again certain incredible things I do remain skeptical and incredulous.

 19. What made you want to be a writer?
 In Astrology the answer would be an absolute need to communicate due to a Gemini moon.  In reality it is an amazing need to create and communicate.
 20. Any weird talent? I can make some odd noises not replicated by others.
 21. A favorite quote? Today it is one from Mr. H. D. Thoreau
 “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life” tomorrow I might have another favorite quote.

 22. What is the one thing you never go without? A writing impellent.
 23. Your biggest influence? Society.
 24. Favorite TV show? Harry’s Law
 25. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover? Through a press release Beckah Boyd requested TBOD and wrote a very interesting (from the perspective of a known psychic medium) review last September. She posted the review on The Truthful Tarot and I visit from time to time and I like that she is diverse.

Connect with M.C.V. on Twitter
Author Central Page

Thanks again M.C. V. and thanks everyone for dropping by!

P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest giveaway in the Debut Author Blog hop!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Author Spotlight Get to know Glenn Langohr Crime Thriller Author

First a kind thank you to Glenn for allowing me to spotlight him on my blog! I love meeting new authors and even though Glenn may write Crime Thrillers, he's a total sweetheart!  Glenn's life experience is a 360 degree turn around and inspiring. It's a pleasure to say I know him!  Here's a little pick into the mind of Author Glenn Langohr!

1.Where do you call home? I live in Orange County, California with my wife Sanette and her son Jon.
2. What is the title of your most recent book? Underdog  ( Book 4 )
3. What's your Genre? Crime thriller.
4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series? My next book is going to be free on all venues to give back. I want to open the eyes of the public that the drug war has made the U.S. a prison nation. We have to be more compassionate to people who suffer from Alcoholism and drug addiction. -I agree!

5. Are you a self published author (Indie) ? I am an indie author and love it!
6. Who's your favorite author? My favorite author is James Clavelle.
7. Your favorite book? My favorite book is the Bible. There is the perfect amount of imperfect characters and good over evil.

8. What book are you currently reading? The Reluctant Tuscan by Phillip Doran.
9. A book you would recommend? Any book from fellow indie author JT Kalnay.
10. How do you pick your books? The title of the book and the book cover is my first interest, then the description and reviews. I also pick books by other people’s reactions to them.

11. Advice for other authors? Read everything that does well in the genre you write. Wake up at 4 am to start writing, then write every chance you get until the creativity is flowing non-stop. Make the characters believable until the emotion is flowing out of them and into the readers. -great advice!

12. Do you write under a pen name? No.
13. Where do you write? I write in my bedroom by myself. I have to block everything else out to concentrate.
14. What do you wear when you write? Pajamas. - the best way!
15. Do you have a pet (s)? I have a German Shepherd named Primo.
16. Favorite food? I love carne asada tacos with guacamole, sour crème, onions and cilantro. I also love the authentic Italian food my mom makes.

17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you? On a deserted island I’d be most comfortable with people who are shorter than me who are funny so Danny Devito, Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro.
18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why? Roll Call is my first novel and is based on a lot of my life experiences. I took my research into the drug war a little too far and found my redemption through writing.

19. What made you want to be a writer? As mentioned, I got heavily involved in drugs as a runaway kid. In prison on drug charges I wanted to turn everything into a blessing through writing.
20. Any weird talent? My tongue can change shapes, all dogs love me, okay, I’ve got nothing.- no worries there Glenn, mine is clumsiness:0)

21. A favorite quote? “I’m happily married, but my wife would be flattered.” My wife makes me repeat that a lot. Seriously, “That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
22. What is the one thing you never go without? I’m very affectionate. I need a lot of hugs and kisses on the cheeks.- awww!
23. Your biggest influence? My church at Calvary.

24. Favorite TV show? Criminal Minds.
25. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover? I have found the best blogs on book blogs and would have to say that so far it’s justjudyjumblesblog.

 Glenn's author page on Amazon
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Glenn's Goodreads
Connect with Glenn on Twitter

Thanks again Glenn and it truly is a pleasure...

Thanks all for dropping in and getting to know about Author Glenn Langohr,

P.S. June 7th is the start off of my next Blog hop Giveaway- Debut Author Blog hop! Click the Giveaway tab at top and enter to win 4 ebooks from new authors!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Author Spotlight: Author Randy Turner- Devil's Messanger

I first would like to thank Randy for allowing little ol' me to spotlight him on my blog. Randy has six books available on Just click on the book covers to read about the two books below. Click here to go to Randy's Author page on Amazon to learn about his other books. Below are a few questions he answered for me and enjoy getting to know author Randy Turner.

1. Where do you call home? Joplin, Missouri
2. What is the title of your most recent book? 5:41: Stories from the Joplin Tornado
3.What is your genre? I have bounced back and forth. My first two books were mysteries with the second being in the horror/mystery category. My last three books have been non-fiction. I have another non-fiction book coming out next month and a mainstream novel in the works.
4.Plans for a next book? Is it part of a series? My next book, Spirit of Hope: The Year After the Joplin Tornado, is a follow-up to 5:41: Stories from the Joplin Tornado. I am also working on a novel, "No Child Left Alive" which I plan to have as the first in a series about a troubled high school campus.
5.Are you a self-published author? Yes
6. Who's your favorite author? On the non-fiction side, it is David Halberstam. Wih fiction, I enjoy Edna Buchanan and John Grisham.
7. Your favorite book? Robert Nathan's Portrait of Jennie for fiction, either Woodward and Bernstein's All the President's Men or Halberstam's The Children for non-fiction
8.What book are you currently reading? Edna Buchanan's A Dark Lonely Place and Ted Sorenson's Counselor
9. A book you would recommend? Any of Edna Buchanan's Britt Montero series or any non-fiction by David Halberstam.
10.How do you pick your books? Many of them I find through looking for materials for the classes I teach (eighth grade English). I also always pick up new books by old favorites, including Grisham and Buchanan.
11. Advice for other authors? Keep writing and find as many venues for your work as possible. I blog on a regular basis and contribute to Huffington Post (usually on educational issues) and Daily Kos, as well as writing a column for a local newspaper. All of those, (and some social networking) have helped provide a steady readership for my work.
12.Do you write under a pen name? No
13. Where do you write? Usually on the sofa or at the kitchen table in my apartment.
14.What do you wear when you write? Nothing special. It depends on whether I am writing in the morning before I go to school or after work.
15. Do you have a pet? No
16. Favorite Food? Sonic Oreo Blasts- yum!
17. If you were deserted on a desert island, who are three famous people you would want with you? Bill Clinton and whichever two people he decided to bring along. (They might not be famous, but I will bow to his judgment.)
18. Of your characters, which one would you say is the most like you and why? I would say Oscar Whittington in my novel, Devil's Messenger. He is a teacher, slightly crazy, and not particularly good in social situations.
19. What made you want to be a writer? I always liked creating stories and working with words since I was in elementary school. I spent 22 years as a newspaper reporter and editor and that reinforced my love of writing and gave me insight into people and why they do the things they do.
20. Any weird talent? Not a weird talent, but I am the lead singer in a band which has an unfortunate name considering I live in Joplin, Missouri- Natural Disaster (named after my voice, of course) -Too funny Randy!
21.A favorite quote- I think the world of you...and we all know what kind of shape the world's in nowadays.
22.What is the one thing you never go without? From my old newspaper training- inkpens, though my IPhone is a close second.
23. Your biggest influence? I would say the teachers who encouraged me during my junior high and high school years. They always encouraged me to keep writing.
24. Favorite TV Show? The original Law & Order
25. A great blog you would recommend for others to discover? Reporter Jerry Mitchell's blog at the Jackson Clarion-Ledger, Journey to Justice. Mitchell is a true hero for our times since he was the investigative reporter whose ceaseless work helped bring many murderers from the civil rights era to justice.

Amazon.Author Page- Read his bio.
Huffington Post page
Randy's blog, The Turner Report

Thanks for dropping in to get to know Author Randy Turner!

P.S. Click the giveaway button at the top to check out my latest give away, three great books!

Pages From My Thoughts: A Guest Post On Mermaids by Author Anne Greenwood ...

Pages From My Thoughts: A Guest Post On Mermaids by Author Anne Greenwood ...: First I would like to thank author Anne Greenwood Brown for this lovely post on mermaid mythology, also she has offered one signed copy her book ...

Click the link and enter to win this book, learn more about the author, and Mermaid Mythology! All from the lovely blog of Soumi- Pages from my thoughts!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Come and meet Fantasy Author June Spears- Blood Moon Chronicles

I would like to introduce to you author June Spears. She is a new up and coming Indie author of The Blood Moon Chronicles (4 books) First is Concieved, followed by Bitter Sweet, Reunited and Imprinted. Look out for the fifth book to the series called Goodbye. Thank you June for allowing me to spotlight you on my blog. It's always nice to meet new fellow Indie authors and get to know them more.

1. Where do you call home? Georgia
2. What is the title of your most recent book? Imprinted (Book Four in the Blood Moon Chronicles)
3. What's your Genre? Fantasy
4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series? Next book is called Goodbye, and is the fifth book in the series

5. Are you a self published author (Indie) ? yes
6. Who's your favorite author? P. C Cast
7. Your favorite book? Little Women

8. What book are you currently reading? Awakening by P.C and Kirsten Cast
9. A book you would recommend? Sense and Sensibility
10. How do you pick your books? I read a wide range of books, usually depends on my mood.
11. Advice for other authors? Get your work out there, you never know how good you are till you try.

12. Do you write under a pen name? No
 13. Where do you write? I have to write late nights when my baby is sleeping cause I'm a full time worker and mom by day.
14. What do you wear when you write? Lol Pajamas- No worries, so do I :0)

15. Do you have a pet (s)? no
16. Favorite food? french fries
17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you? Einstein (to work to get us off) Taylor Launer ( to keep me company) and my daughter cause I can't go without her.

18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why? "Zelenia" she is based off of my childhood.
19. What made you want to be a writer? It just came to me one day. I sat down at the computer and in a months time I had written 6 Novelettes.

20. Any weird talent? I can wiggle my lips like a fish, lol
21. A favorite quote? Live, Laugh, Love
22. What is the one thing you never go without? Isabella, My daughter - That's my oldest daughter's name!

23. Your biggest influence? Hilary Clinton, She inspires me.
24. Favorite TV show? Glee
25. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover? - aww shucks! Thanks June!

 Visit June's Website
June's author page on Amazon
Give your like to June on Facebook
Follow June on Twitter
Watch the YouTube videos

Thanks for dropping in and getting to know author June Spears! Don't forget to click my link "giveaways" above and enter to win a great kindle copy of one of these great reads: Of Posideon, Sweet Evil and Hemlock!