I could ask Lisa questions all day. I just loved reading her answers and her personality! Lisa Lewis Moon is a fellow Indie(self-pub) author and this is her debut book:
Click on the book to go to the Amazon page.
Claire Templeton thought she had escaped the horror of life
on Butcher Harbor after graduation from high school. Now an upcoming fashion
designer in New York City, Claire has to put her bright future on hold and
return to Butcher Harbor when her mother atempts to take her own life. Thrust
back into the world she grew up in, her past catches up with her quicker than
she hoped. As she expected, the ghosts of Templeton House have been waiting for
her return, refusing to let her escape their grasp. Claire reluctantly returns
to the Harbor, setting off a series of events that throw the town into turmoil
and could possibly cost Claire her life.
1. Where do you call home? I wrote my book in Sweet Home Alabama, but I prefer Phoenix, Arizona. I miss the big city. Right now I live in the middle of nowhere. I have to drive an hour just to see a movie.
2. What is the title of your most recent book? My First book is House on Butcher Harbor. So many people have requested a sequel. They say they want to know what happens to these people next. So I am writing HOBH 2: Pirates Cove. I never planned to write a second book, but I am glad people have asked because I do enjoy these characters and wouldn’t mind seeing where life takes them next.
3. What's your Genre? Ghost stories. I Guess that is in the horror category, but there is no gore in my books. I used to write gore, but found I couldn’t sleep at night. Ghosts I am used to. - I am a ghost fanatic!
4. Plans for a next book? Is this part of a Series? (see above)
5. Are you a self published author (Indie) ? I chose to self-publish because my mother was very ill at the time I finished the book. I was afraid she would pass away and not get to see her daughter's book in print. So basically I did it so my mom could bask in some bragging rights for a while. Is that so wrong? -Not at all Lisa:0)
6. Who's your favorite author? My favorite authors are Steinbeck, King, Koontz and Sparks in that order. And let’s not forget James Patterson. - I am a Koontz fan
7. Your favorite book? Travels with Charlie and the Andromeda Strain. If this where a Bradbury story, I would have to choose to be the Andromeda Strain. I love Travels with Charlie for personal reasons, but I would love to share The Andromeda Strain with everyone.
8. What book are you currently reading? Violin, by Anne Rice. I have just started it so I don’t have any thoughts about it yet.
9. A book you would recommend? Since it would be rude to say my own, I would have to recommend The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks.
10. How do you pick your books? First the title and cover have to catch my eye. Then I read the blurb. After that I read the first paragraph or two to see if I can stand the writing. If I get bored I will not read it, if it catches my attention I won’t put it down. James Patterson writes the kind of stories that I find I have finished in one sitting. I find the sun has come up and I am still turning pages- just one more chapter- until I have finished the book.
11. Advice for other authors? I actually have advice for wanna be authors. It is my pet project. I say stop wanting to be a writer and write. You will find an audience when you have something to share. Stop doubting yourself and putting it off until later. Do it! You know who you are! Yes, I am talking to you. - I agree
12. Do you write under a pen name? No. I think it is foolish, but that is just me. I have to be honest, since I was a little kids I ALWAYS wanted to see my name on a book in the grocery store or department store where I shop.
13. Where do you write? Wherever the mood strikes me. I used to have a desk in my bedroom, but I found I needed more space for living. Sometimes the kitchen table or the sofa with my lap top. But I prefer to write on a porch or patio with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Now that I live in Alabama I don’t have a porch or a patio and I quit smoking.
14. What do you wear when you write? Preferably? Pajamas. I want to be comfortable and to feel like I am goofing off. I do better work when it is not considered work.
15. Do you have a pet (s)? I wrote House on Butcher Harbor with my mini Chocolate lab wrapped around my feet. He would curl up under my desk while I wrote for hours on end. He was killed before the book was finished and I missed him being there throughout the edits. Now we have a rotty and a golden lab that keep an eye on my while I write. It is a group effort. -awww...
16. Favorite food? Cilantro. I know that is not a food, but it is a flavor I crave. I could live off of tacos and burritos just to taste that and love Pico de Gallo (salsa) best of all.
17. If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you? Tarzan (someone strong), Julia Child (someone who could make anything taste good) and Ray Bradbury (to tell me stories). -The perfect mix:0)
18. Of your characters, which one would you say is most like you and why? I have to honestly say there is a little bit of me in every character. People who know me will find me in the good and the bad characters I create.
19. What made you want to be a writer? Being an avid reader. The more I read as a child the more I wanted to create my own stories. I wanted to see my name on the cover of a book. It wasn’t about the fame or everyone knowing who I was. I wanted to be able to walk through the grocery store and see my book on the shelf I had shopped as a kid, but no one around me know that book was written by me, the person pushing the cart. Silly I know, but it was my biggest dream.
20. Any weird talent? If you were to ask my dad he would say being nosy. If something is going on, I want- no need- to know the who, what, why, where and when of it all. I should have been a reporter, but I never allowed myself to do that until I wrote for the Clanton Advertiser as a community columnist. I got that job because I dared to take it upon myself to write an article and was brave enough to turn it into the newspaper on the chance they would print it for me. They loved it and gave me the job.
21. What is the one thing you never go without? My husband! I think I would go insane without him. If I were to be stranded on a desert island all I would really need is him. He would be my Tarzan, he could whip up food out of nothing like Julia Child and he could weave me stories like Bradbury all in one handsome package. I would never want to be rescued. -AWWWW...
23. Your biggest influence? For writing I would have to say my children. They push me to write when I want to be a couch potato. They had faith in me all the time. While they didn’t read my book, they still believed in me; that made me believe in myself.
24. Favorite TV show? Bones. I love all the characters in the story, how they interact and react to one another.
25. A great blog you would like to recommend for others to discover? Novel Publicity! Nothing better for writers. For readers there are so many. It would depend on the genre. - I agree!
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It's been a pleasure getting to know Lisa and I havbe added her book to my to-read list on Goodreads, sounds amazing! I just love ghosts! Thanks again Lisa!
Thanks for dropping in,

Great interview! She sounds delightful! I wish I could write a decent ghost story but I wouldn't know where to begin. ;) Thanx for posting!
ReplyDeleteI love any and all ghost stories...thanks for the drop by Liesel!
ReplyDeleteI've nominated you for the Liebster Blog award. Visit my blog at houseonbutcherharbor.blogspot.com to see what to do next. Have a great day! :D Wait until tomorrow as I need some time to put this up. Thanks for the interview!
ReplyDeleteWhy Thank you Lisa, appreciate it...will do!